All info about text styles

Text size

The class .pow-text-size-xs is 12px;

The class .pow-text-size-md is 14px;

The class .pow-text-size-lg is 16px;

The class .pow-text-size-18 is 18px;

The class .pow-text-size-24 is 24px;

The class .pow-text-size-30 is 30px;

The class .pow-text-size-85 is 85px;

<p class="pow-text-size-xs">
    The class .pow-text-size-xs is 12px;

<p class="pow-text-size-md">
    The class .pow-text-size-md is 14px;

<p class="pow-text-size-lg">
    The class .pow-text-size-lg is 16px;

<p class="pow-text-size-18">
    The class .pow-text-size-18 is 18px;

<p class="pow-text-size-24">
    The class .pow-text-size-24 is 24px;

<p class="pow-text-size-30">
    The class .pow-text-size-30 is 30px;

<p class="pow-text-size-85">
    The class .pow-text-size-85 is 85px;

Text alignment

The class .pow-text-align-left aligns the text to the left;

The class .pow-text-align-center aligns the text to the center;

The class .pow-text-align-right aligns the text to the right;

<p class="pow-text-align-left">
    The class .pow-text-align-left aligns the text to the left;

<p class="pow-text-align-center">
    The class .pow-text-align-center aligns the text to the center;

<p class="pow-text-align-right">
    The class .pow-text-align-right aligns the text to the right;

Text options

The class .pow-text-decoration-underline allows to have a text with underline.

The class .pow-text-decoration-none allows to remove an underline from the text.

The class .pow-text-transform-uppercase allows to have a text in uppercase.

The class .pow-text-decoration-line-through allows you to have a text with a through-line.

The class .pow-no-wrap forces the text to a single line.

<p class="pow-text-decoration-underline">
    The class .pow-text-decoration-underline allows to have a text with underline.

<p class="pow-text-decoration-none">
    The class .pow-text-decoration-none allows to remove an underline from the text.

<p class="pow-text-transform-uppercase">
    The class .pow-text-transform-uppercase allows to have a text in uppercase.

<p class="pow-text-decoration-line-through">
    The class .pow-text-decoration-line-through allows to have a text in uppercase.

<p class="pow-no-wrap">
    The class .pow-no-wrap forces the text to a single line.